“I really enjoyed my visit and the interactions with the organizers and the awardees. This is a remarkable initiative towards encouraging young people for getting into science and technology. May you all serve many many successful years ahead.”
Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
“Wonderful work is being done by KVRSS to generate scientific temper amongst young minds and I wish they will go a long way. Wishing all the best wishes.”
Director, CSIR - National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi (Orator 2017).
“It was great pleasure and honour to be part of the Dr. K V Rao Scientific Society Meeting. I Congratulate the Society for the interest and effort taken in promotion of science among children and scientists. Wish KVRSS all success.”
Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
“I really enjoyed my visit and the interactions with the organizers and the awardees. This is a remarkable initiative towards encouraging young people for getting into science and technology. May you all serve many many successful years ahead.”
irector, CSIR – National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram (Orator 2016).
“An excellent program and a great honour to give the oration of the Society. It was a great experience to address all and interact with the enthusiastic members of the Society.”
National Chemical Laboratory, Pune (Orator 2015).
“K V Rao Scientific Society is doing a great job of inculcating the spirit of scientific inquiry among youngsters. My very best wishes.”
Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (Orator 2014).
“Superb Job and very necessary. A Great Example to follow.”
Vice Chancellor, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad (Orator 2013).
“It was a great pleasure to meet so many dedicated persons who are serving the cause of science. It was also a great pleasure to meet so many young achievers.”
Fellow of the AP Academy of Science and former Director Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Hyderabad (Orator 2012).
“Excellent Programme. Dr. K V Rao Scientific Society is doing excellent job to bring awareness about science and promoting students to take science as a career. Maybe we should think of awarding best science teacher award in future.”
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (Orator 2011).
“Dr. K V Rao enunciated a vision of facilitating propagation of scientific temper among young students. In the past decade, the Dr. K V Rao Scientific Society continued and indeed expanded Dr. Rao's original effort. My heartiest Congratulations to them for encouraging young students, thus helping the cause of science in India.”
Director, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai (Orator 2010).
“I Congratulate Dr. K V Rao Scientific Society for their fantastic efforts to promote science by catching children and young scientists and encouraging them by giving public awards and nurturing the talent. My hearty Congratulations to the Society and its office bearers.”
Director, Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Hyderabad (Orator 2009).
“It was a wonderful experience for one to be at the Dr. K V Rao Scientific Society Award function and see the great work being done by Dr. Sastry, Dr. Ratna and their colleagues in promoting interest in Science, which is the need of the hour.”
Former Secretary, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, Hyderabad (Orator 2008).
“I am thankful to the Society who are doing wonderful service to Science and Scientific Talent in this part of the Country. This is the best way to honour a great scientist like Dr. K V Rao.”
Director, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad (Orator 2007).
“Wonderful Service to Science in recognising young talent and encouraging them to do even better in future.”
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee to Cabinet, Director, Blue Peter Research Centre, Hyderabad (Orator 2006).
“A great Idea to Stimulate Young Minds and encourage Young Talent. Congratulations on this effort.”
Distinguished Chair of Eye Health, L.V. Prasad Eye Hospital, Hyderabad (Orator 2005).
“Excellent Work being done by the Society. Please concentrate on science with Human values through Debate and Essay Competitions for building National Character, which Society like this can only take up.”
Director, Andhra Pradesh Forensic Science Laboratory, Hyderabad (Orator 2004).
“Privileged to deliver Dr. K.V. Rao Memorial Oration – 2003 in the presence of very distinguished Scientists and Guests.”
Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (Orator 2003).
“I am honored to be associated with a function to commemorate the memory of a great chemist. My compliments to the Dr K V Rao Scientific Society for starting this effort to recognize our future leaders in Chemistry.”
Director, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad (Orator 2002).
“Very Good Meeting and a Noble Venture by Children of Dr. K V Rao. Science must be grown scientifically otherwise it is not Science.”
Head of Biochemistry Department, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad (Orator 2001).